Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hot Headed Police Officers, A Threat to Civilians?

Ok, An Police force assumes that the their officers have the ability to make clear judgement as to if force is needed. But they are to only use force if others are in harms way or if the officer himself is in danger.

Here is what I see...

An officer who does not know how to communicate nor does he have control over his actions.
I never heard the officer once say they broke the law by Skateboarding. All I hear were citations that they resisted arrest, disorderly conduct, and battery?? So why did the officer stop them? Why did the officer use such force? I didn't see the kids fighting back nor did I see them make any violent gestures towards the officer. As to the battery... The officer did it to himself by choosing to tackle the teenager. So that claim by the officer is completely bogus.
The officer also never clearly indicated to the teens as to who is involved and who must sit down. With that said, the officer has no right to detain the other teens. And they had the right and correct assumption that they could leave. Which led to the "resisting arrest" scenerio.

So the real question here is... for the crimes committed before the resisting arrest happened. Was it justified for such physical altercation by the officer? The picture clearly shows the officer with his hand around the teens neck. Was this teen that much of a threat to him?

Here is what I am to do. The police records and officer report is public domain. I will get a copy of it and see if there is clear abuse of the law on boths sides of the table.

This officer had no reason to take the action he did. These teens were no threat to anyone. If disorderly conduct includes skateboarding then It would be a very small fine and nothing else. My opinion is that this officer has bad judgement and should not be on the force if he is not able to control his attitude and decision making.

"There is a lot more shit cops should be focusing on than kids skate boarding!! Come on!!
OK so last week on Go Skateboarding day (which is a totally genius idea) some stuff went down in Arizona that is really upsetting people (including myself) A bunch of juvenile skateboarders were arrested for riding their boards in public, and later others for mouthing off and fleeing the confusing scene. These kids not deserve what they got. Check this out and pass this on so the violation of our rights does not become a trend. This officer had a flashback to when he was made fun of when he was little or something and completely and irrationally wigs out. His behavior is totally unacceptable. He grabs a 14 girl by the throat and makes some serious, unnecessary threats.If all you do is repost this, you've done more than most, and at the state our country is in,every little thing helps.

and let me remind you that skateboarding is not a crime."

Go Skateboarding Day bummer by the Hot Springs, Arkansas Police Department. Video of the incident is below. After you watch it, we ask ALL of you to flood their phonelines and email address (below) with complaints regarding the main policeman involved, Officer Joey Williams. You should also contact your local news organizations to help spread the word. The more attention this officer gets, the better for us.

Hot Springs Arkansas Police Department
Phone: (501) 321-6789Fax: (501) 321-6708
Chief of Police, Bobby Southard
Email: <-- This email is not active anymore!

641 Malvern Avenue Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901

Monday, June 25, 2007

Mr. Moms... Becoming The Norm In Society

YOU may be wondering why I even decided to write this. Well, because I enjoy being a Mr. Mom. And I personally think that ALL Dads should do this. If you decide to do it only once in your children's early years then you need to do it for a long period of time. Why?...
One... It is an awesome connection you make with your children. Your influence in their life is obvious to all. They show it everyday. I can't tell you how they will show you because it would be impossible for me to predict what your children will do in regards to how you associate with them.
TWO... When it comes to discipline, you know it sucks to put your foot down when your child is so damn cute and does not know from right and wrong yet. But you have to do it, for the better good of your child. So being a Mr. Mom allows you the ability to spend some one on one time to assure your child that you love them endlessly. Yeah, you may be saying right now "Of-course I love my children, this guys nuts!". Well let me ask you this... Does you child know this? Being a Mr. Mom allows you to express this to your child frequently. And that is what children need. especially from the Father. This is a really good way to open conversations with you child. This makes them feel like your bud.
THREE... As a father you too learn alot from this. Patience become natural to you. You become just as alert as mom is. You get to know your children's environments better as to how they adventure to know. Allowing you to participate in child proofing, organization, trouble shooting with Mom. You earn a type of confidence that allows mother to feel abit more freedom. She gains much more appreciation for you and what you can do. Your wife or mother of your children start to feel better about themselves because they are able to participate in things that maybe its best for the children to stay home. Like work! Some moms like to do the 9 to 5 thing too. Well, I personally have noticed the benefits of Mom doing this. When mom is active in things like this, it helps her keep her mind healthy. Because if your wife/girlfriend has had a boy, then they know what depression being induced by hormones can be like. And some of fathers have felt the wrath.
FOUR... And this is probably the most important. You become a person that has two sides of you. One is "the adult" the other is "the kid". These children give us the opportunity to be kids again. You have so much time with them it is just natural to play like them. We as adults need to "fit in" with them. This lets your children know they are just fine the way they are and that Dad can be a fun friend to be around.

SO, for a conclusion... I think every Father should be a Mr. Mom for some time. And not just when the kids are older, no they should be changing the diapers and giving the baths just as much as mom. Fathers need to participate in the duties of parenthood just as much as mom does. Alot of fathers out there do worthy things, but end short of extending their long days for their children's better good. Its not your fault right now, but it will be your fault if you do not change for the better. As a child who never met his father, raised himself since he was 12 years old. Just dives into the responsibilities of being a stay at home parent. WOW, this was the best thing for a person like myself could have ever done. I full-filled this hole, a hole developed by the simple question. "who is my father, mom?". As you could imagine, there is no hole anymore. And with that said...
I am a much better man then I ever was before!


Kids... More then just our future.

I write this blog because of my constant relationship with my children. I personally have seen alot of families and lived with many. Part of me being a good parent was to learn from these parents. Lets not forget the biggest lesson of parenthood. I speak of our self restructuring mentally and physically. Being a parent is being a slave to your children. But success only means you want to be a slave to your children. This means sacrafices both out of the house and in. This is all for the pure benefit for the little ones who are developing by the day if not hour. With this in mind I continue...

Children are sponges from the day they are born. Starts with sound and touch. Then discovery and comes associations. My point is time, to be a good parent is to understand your children. This takes time, but the more time you spend the more your child absorbs and you discover. This naturally develops confidence within yourself. Here is what I mean. You as a parent will have more confidence understanding your child when they are not able to speak at all. Illness can be caught much faster by a parent who understands the day to day, hour by hour patterns. You may say... "What about the 8+ hrs I have to be at work?". And I would then ask "What are you doing the rest of your 8+ awake hrs?". Remember THEY ARE SPONGES, it is in your best interest as a parent to participate regularly with your child. But remember daily patterns are essential.

Why now are patterns so important? Simply because a child between 1 to 3 years are effected by how you go about your day. Lets take this senerio for example. You leave for work at 5:30am and normally you get home around 3:30pm. This would be a pattern your child is aware of. They understand this happens everyday. Children are more acceptable to patterns then they are for things, places and even people. These "out of the ordinary" circumstances will effect the mood of your child. Either good, shy, or bad. Let me give you an example with what I have discovered as a parent. Due to our family eating dinner around 5 to 6 we are always home at dusk or just before. Our daughter has picked up on this pattern and understands at that time of day we will be going or already at home. So there are times she tells us she is ready to go home. Or if you think she is to have a melt down due to all the fun she is having, she has no issues with saying "bye-bye" and walking out with us. I attach this directly to her knowing our daily patterns and what she knows is life. If we stay after dark it is harder for her to let go and go home or she becomes burnt out and angry. We break the pattern resulting with her having a different discovery she doesn't sometimes want to end. And once again you must understand your child.

I have seen people struggle with their children. And I won't go on until I explain how much I understand how complex parenting is. I dont' go around looking for fault. I am looking for bad and good ideas for the better good of my own kids. I can only figure out what is best for my kids that fit the moral and structure of the family and society (but family first). I cannot judge other parents. Your children will be the first to react to any change of tone in your voice or change in patterns. And I see this factor a big problem with parents who struggle in public with their kids. So I say, remember your child(ren) is a sponge. They will develop your method of communications. So you should understand being sensitive around your child will only give them comfort and calm. This can only be successful if practice from birth. With this practice alone you yourself as a parent will also change and develop these habits as part of who you are. The responses you receive will be rewarding.
My point really is that our children can only rely on us as parents and as parents we must rely on ourselves to communicate and spread fun. Even if you have to instruct, there is no reason why you cannot make it fun.

Raising Children to be Killers

Here is something I would like everyone to think about in the next few days...
Muslim Parents are allowing their children to be trained and taught by extremist to kill Americans, Isreali's and anyone who acts un-muslim.
While we the "targets" are teaching our children love, peace and appreciation for life.
Here is the question I pose...
Who will have the upper hand in the fight for survival?
My response...
Do you think I am gonna sit back and allow my child to be weaker, or unprepared?
I want my children to be 100% educated about who wants them dead. They will be trained appropriately for their own defense, even if it requires a first strike. Another words my children deserve a fighting chance to defend themselves. I will be the first to fight, and if I do not survive in my defense. I will know that my children have the chance to defend themselves.
Wake up parents, your children are coming to an age where they will be threatened of their lives by people who have been taught this hatred since they were children themselves. It is our duty to educate them and prepare them.

Here is a Quote from a former PLO Terrorist and now a converted Christian...

"For the same reason, many Arabs and muslims will highlight every bad thing in western culture, as if their own lives in Arab and muslim countries were any better. This is however, sometimes the only possible way for them to let out some steam without being persecuted by their own societies."

Here is a speech by the same ex-terrorist...

A good quote from another listener...
"Kosovo, Chad, India, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, Sudan, Thailand, Corsica, Cyprus, Uganda Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Kashmir, Bosnia, Algeria.
What do these nations all have in common?
In each one there is armed conflict? True.
In each one Muslims are one of the combatants? True.
In fact, the common denominator of the majority of the world's present armed conflicts involve Muslims.
Religion of peace? Absurd."

Lets not forget people... Those targeted are Civilians but most importantly that includes our children.


Final word...
I don't need to say a thing... I think you are smart enough to understand.

People who have the guts and balls to listen to reason...