We all need a Watch Dog in our lives... Where is yours?

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nun yo bid ness, Oree-gone, United States
Sometimes we can find that prized bone if we dig a little bit deeper.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Election Time Countdown!

Hello everyone, I hope your days have been good and I hope you are all looking forward to an election year!  I feel exceptionally good right now because I finished one of my senior classes and have a free week of no homework.  That should be exciting for any student!

Obama's legacy

President Obama is in trouble when it comes to his legacy.  There are only two subjects that has to do with his legacy and those subjects are Obamacare, and being the first African/American to be President.

We already know that Obamacare is becoming more and more contested by private businesses, states, and religious organizations.  So the chance of Obamacare actually becoming a positive legacy is unseen at this time and does not look good for the future of it.

Now obviously being the first African/American President he does not want to only one term, because a President is not looked upon as a successful President if they are only able to serve four years.  Look at Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Herbert Hoover, and so on...  Jimmy Carter is considered a joke in the political atmosphere and is only like by a very small contingency of people.  Gerald Ford was sworn in because of Nixon's impeachment, Nixon was not a very colorful and honest guy.  And then we have Herbert Hoover who is almost forgotten about except by those who live in the "Hoovervilles" tent cities under the highways of California and abroad.  The other reason I believe Obama is going to fight teeth and nail for is to have a positive impact on African/Americans and it will be easily deteriorated if he only serves for one term.


So it is my belief that Obama only cares about one thing... Staying in the spotlight enough in order to strengthen the only legacy he can currently claim credit for; being black in the White House.  During this election process he has ignored more and more time with world leaders in such a contested middle east so he can do a Letterman show as well as the View.  I feel deep down he has a really good chance of losing this election.

Why vote for Obama, I ask...

There are a few reasons as to how I can understand why people are voting for Obama. It is because either their "cool" friends are doing it, The bandwagon has many more empty seats, or people don't want to let go of a black President or too proud to admit he has failed, people are extremist democrats who can't see through the smoke or must choose fueled by animosity, or they are lazy and want the Government to take care of them (freeloaders or entitlement generation).... I can go on and on... But the one thing that I would expect to hear that nobody can explain is... I am voting for Obama on his RECORD, his SUCCESS, or his plan for the next 4 years. See this makes me question a persons ability to stay balanced and make responsible decisions.  I will judge their intellect because it is human nature to do so.  It is a instinctual natural human behavior to evaluate a persons decision making process. This is what makes us understand how people justify such decision making process.  I naturally question anyone's decision they make when I see they are based on confusion or lack of knowledge.  I am an American, I expect that every other American must make responsible educated votes.

Obama's own words....

Obama said, adding: "I'm the first one to confess that the spirit that I brought to Washington, that I wanted to see instituted, where we weren't constantly in a political slugfest but were focused more on problem solving that, you know, I haven't fully accomplished that." Obama said he hasn't "even come close in some cases."
"And, you know, if you ask me what's my biggest disappointment, is that we haven't changed the tone in Washington as much as I would have liked," the president said, adding that "as president I bear responsibility for everything, to some degree."


My business is America...

Imagine this...
You own a business (America) and your business (America) is not doing so well in specific areas that endanger the existence of your business (America).  So as a owner you naturally must look at your leadership, your CEO (The President) is showing signs of failure to address the biggest and most dangerous issues in your business (America).  So as a owner it is your responsibility to replace the CEO (The President) with a fresh face and mind in hopes for a better success rate.  Because it is a CEO (The President) position there are not many options to choose from so you do what any other business owner would do;  hire (vote) the best out of your limited options.  You do so with the understanding that if the new CEO (The President) does not do a satisfactory job, your business (America) cannot afford to wait and must hire (vote) another replacement to do the job.

With all that said above...  Are you one of these people who are responsible when it comes to your "business"?  Or are you someone who rather keep your "business" in danger because you simply just like the current "CEO" regardless if there are not statistics to support success?

Is our government and way of life doomed?...

Part of the reason why our government is doomed is.... wait for it.... wait for it....

Because it is not a federal requirement that every Senior MUST learn and understand how the Federal Government runs and works. For example... I have met people who have know idea how a bill is passed... People don't realize the powers adhered to these government officials.  People are going to the polls without understanding what the Senate or Congress actually do and what their jobs are suppose to be.  I think it should be a requirement that high school seniors must get education and pass a federal sanctioned quiz to keep Teachers from only teaching their political interests.  And then to receive your Associates degree you should be quizzed and that would go for getting a Bachelors degree as well.

We owe it to our country to educate our youth of how this country operates!  We are jeopardizing our country when youth do not know how powerful the Constitution is.   When the kids don't know what the Bill of Rights do.  We owe it to them, our country and ourselves to retain educated votes.  Who can possibly disagree with that?

Here is some field interviews done by Howard Stern about how much people actually know...

Jay Leno made the news with his interviews on civics...

And finally, we need to give term limits to Senators and Congressmen and women; absolutely!  Without term limits we are not seeing the change that is necessary for such a fast pace life we live today.  Fresh faces and minds must be circulated in order for the country to benefit from a multitude of our nations best minds.  I would suspect that this would make sense to every single American except for those who are current Congress and Senate representatives.

We take charcoal and drop it in a bucket of poison to neutralize it, right?  But what happens to that charcoal after awhile?  It becomes saturated in poison too and must be discarded if a person cared.  If one cared they would frequently continue the process until the water is as clean as it could possibly get.  So just like a Congressmen/women and a Senator, they too need to be changed out often so they too don't become saturated in the poison leaking from the word alone "politics".


Those who are supporting Obama, I have faith you know deep down inside that you are voting irresponsibly based on popularity, party lines, racial likeness etc.  Wake up and do your neighbor, friends business a favor and vote with responsibility and education.  Don't jump on the bandwagon, you will regret it just like you have in the past.

NOTE:  If you attempt to call me racist, you will find yourself among the idiots of the world because you have know  clue where I have come from let along who raised me.

People who have the guts and balls to listen to reason...