We all need a Watch Dog in our lives... Where is yours?

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nun yo bid ness, Oree-gone, United States
Sometimes we can find that prized bone if we dig a little bit deeper.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fractured Government

To Work and To Represent the People

    What ever happened to the politician who finds it to be an honor to represent the people?  To feel it is a privileged to serve those one represents?

     These days are gone unfortunately.  99% of politicians are what we call "career politicians".  A career politician is a person who is "serving" only to advance oneself's career.  This consist of those Senators and Congressman/woman who have been in office for more then 10+ years.  These are people who start their terms with "those I represent are asking for..." to "I believe that people need this...".  Now the development of a "nanny state" begins.  These are people who think that they themselves know what is best for their constituents without having town hall meetings for votes or listening to the people.  Like a Barrack Obama, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, John McCain, Micheal Bloomberg, and many many others.

     Picture this, a Senator has the same office, never really changes.  Same nick knacks on the shelf, same desk, same office supplies, same staff.  But what they are not noticing is that their constituents are changing, their districts are changing, their states are changing.  So constituents are getting a broken record essentially who are more influence by what other Senators feel or think of them instead of the people who voted or did not vote them in.  These "representatives" are becoming only out for themselves, how to advance their image not with the people but with the media and peers.  They forgot those who they are to represent.  So we need term limits to remind politicians that they are not going to become career politicians.  We need term limits to make sure the office changes with the times and the people they represent.


     We need find people who find it a right time for them to serve, for them to represent the people.  I was excited for Paul Ryan and Romney because in their language I heard "we represent the people" and "we work for the people".  Obama would say "My plan is what America needs" and "I know what is best for Americans".  Since when did Obama become my Father?  I am also appreciative in how Rand Paul is using classic ethical tactics to make a point; like he did with the filibuster.  These are people who are making sacrifice for the people.  Otherwise Rand Paul could have been just satisfied with making a statement and head back to his cozy hot tub and feel he did what he was suppose to do.

What Happened to Education?

    Did you know that high schools no longer teach government or government economics?  I have spoken to two students who verified a rumor that they were taught government in just one day.  Isn't it America's responsibility to teach the young before they are able to vote about how government works?

A semester of U.S. Government education should be REQUIRED by law to graduate from high school!

    The younger generation (including some older ones) do not even know there are three major branches of government; Legislative, Judicial, Executive branches.  I have found that majority of people assume that the President is the supreme leader or "big boss" or the "man in charge".  They don't understand that the President is only in charge of the Executive branch and that it is the President's job to represent the people by delivering proposal's, ideas, organization, influence to achieve what majority of American's want.  It was never intended for the President to become our Nanny and decide for themselves what they think is best for the people.  It is the Legislation branch responsible to take the ideas of the President and pass a law that supports what the people want in a bi-partisan way.  Then the Judicial Branch decides if it is legal or not.  What has destroyed this way of governing is the introduction of executive orders.  What use to be only allowed in times where the American people are threatened life and liberty is now being abused by President to pass policy that only they think is right for the people.  Do the people agree?  Are the people being educated about what the President wants to change or initiate?  No.

Executive orders should be limited to protection of American's life and liberty NOT person beliefs of what the President solely thinks is best for all people.

    We need to vote for those who truly want to serve, those who understand they represent the people, and those who provide the forums to become informed about how their constituents feel about a proposed policy or law.  These people need to understand that term limits are necessary for what is the only constant known to man; change.  We need to require students to learn and understand how Government works before they vote because it is our responsibility to each and every one of us to ensure that every vote is a vote based on the essential education of government.  I believe success of educated voting will prevail and our country will benefit over time.  I believe we need to limit who and when a President utilizes an executive order and force Presidents to use the legislative process to ensure proper governing; never make a person feel as if tyranny is just around the corner.  Our priority is to start at the grass roots and start conversations with people so the seed can start where it needs to be and grow.  Nothing will every happen if we just sit on our hands and only use our voice for our immediate needs without our own bubbles.

We the people need to start a peaceful revolution for change.

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