We all need a Watch Dog in our lives... Where is yours?

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nun yo bid ness, Oree-gone, United States
Sometimes we can find that prized bone if we dig a little bit deeper.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Al Qaeda vs. Iraq Police :: Can the police fight back? Absolutely!

Here is a great story we all should be reading more often. This is a great sign of progress when it comes to the armament, coordination, and numbers of the Iraqi Police. They are holding their own and striking back with lethal force. Good job to the American Instructors + the brave Iraqis.Just like any community, if trained and equipped. There is no denying their ambition to safety and security. It is only when a warlord, most cases backed by some religious belief, is in charge that things go really bad for the community. This is why democracy is a great tool. It eliminates the bad apples and gives you options for removing any trickery. I want this article and others to fallow be the start of a tradition in reading the good news in Iraq. I want to hear of success regardless of who's it is. I just don't want to hear about our enemies taking credit for our poor judgment of journalism.

read more | digg story

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